Tantra | Waking Up | Psychedelics | Circling | Awakening Interbeing | Becoming Yourself in the World | Guidance |

Tantra | Waking Up | Psychedelics | Circling | Awakening Interbeing | Becoming Yourself in the World | Guidance |

Becoming Yourself in the World

  • What should we know about the services you provide? Better descriptions result in more sales.

Waking Up

  • Awakening

    At the heart of the world’s mystical traditions lies a simple truth. What you are, what you really are in the heart of hearts of your being, is this. Just this, right here — what all of this is. Awake, and alive. Words like awakening, liberation, oneness, enlightenment all point to this simple, honest truth. You are already one with all that is. It couldn’t be otherwise. Learning to recognise this, to carry it in your heart in each moment, transforms human life into something absolutely inexpressibly wonderful.

Circling & Awakening Interbeing

  • What should we know about the services you provide? Better descriptions result in more sales.


  • What should we know about the services you provide? Better descriptions result in more sales.

  • This intense pressure, where we cannot simply give up in despair, nor quite see a possible way through, is a miraculously potent opportunity for practice: for what has traditionally been called awakening, and liberation. On the other side, we may just be creatively discovering an entirely new way of being human together. This is the paradox of our time.

    We need new ways of understanding what it is to be human, of practicing awakening and enlightenment and engaging as 21st century humans, and new ways of communicating and coordinating with each other. This is what we’re here to do.

    If you are here, you understand something of this.

    And we need you — people both deeply awake, and deeply engaged in life. People who long to become what no one else can see, committed to their own healing and awakening, and in offering their service to the world around them, in small and large ways. People who can help us come through this period and thrive like never before. This is the task of this uniquely 21st Century Tantra.

    You’re in the right place.

The Deal:

Andrew is a contemporary guide, writer, and creator, radiating and renewing a path of tantric awakening for our modern world.

Upcoming events

  • Awake and Alive: Circling as a Path of Awakening

    Sep 21 & 22 2024, Amsterdam

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